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Speakers Clearinghouse

It is an exciting time in the nuclear industry and one that is ripe with opportunities for women and young people in the Skilled Trades and STEM subjects – science, technology, engineering and mathematics. As such, Women in Nuclear Canada (WiN-Canada) is looking to make the public, especially women, aware of the many benefits of nuclear energy and radiation applications, as well as the career opportunities that they provide.

To achieve this goal, WiN-Canada is leveraging the talent and expertise of its members and increasing its reach through a Speakers' Clearinghouse. The Speakers’ Clearinghouse allows WiN-Canada’s subject matter experts to engage the public, especially women, to help them better understand the benefits of the nuclear industry and the careers it provides, so that they can make an informed decision about nuclear technologies.

To reach a wider cross-section of women, the Speakers’ Clearinghouse reaches out to other women’s business, trade and industry groups, as well as educational institutions. If you would like one of our subject matter experts to visit your company, organization, or institution, please email Women in Nuclear Canada.





Women in Nuclear Canada

1 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 705 Toronto, ON M4P 3A1

(416) 915-3020

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